Nos sessions
Choisissez votre région d'entraînement:
Moncton Sweat Academy
Capital City Sweat Academy Fredericton
Western Valley Sweat Academy Woodstock
Madawaska-Victoria Sweat Academy Edmundston

Témoignages de nos clients

Académie Sweat offre plusieurs différentes options pour qu'un joueur de basket-ball et base-ball puisse s'améliorer a un niveau élevé. Nos sessions sont très intense et spécifique dans ces intentions selon le besoin de l'athlète. Nous visons non seulement à l'amélioration du sport physiquement, mais aussi mentalement et émotionellement.

My daughter loves the challenge and intensity of building strength while competing with like minded players - all committed to improving. The spring session gave her the confidence to compete with and against players from all over NB.
Parent of a high school Sweatmate
Sweat Academy provides a unique opportunity to train with other high level athletes who all have the common goal of being successful in their upcoming season. My game has improved tremendously and I am grateful for the opportunity to return every year
Karina May - Dalhousie University
Sweat Academy is a unique platform with a clear emphasis on situational learning and game simulated drills focusing on the growth of the player’s understanding of the game, players are pushed beyond what constitutes a typical approach as the focus is not on a purely technical basis.
Coach Marc-André Leblanc Moncton Hawks